We are a family-owned lawn maintenance company located in Dacula GA. We serve dozens of neighborhoods in the Dacula area. Some of the more popular neighborhoods we serve are Apalachee Farms(my personal neighborhood), Apalachee Heritage, Apalachee Crossing, etc. We trust that you are either in, or nearby, one of these neighborhoods in the Dacula area or have seen our midnight blue lawn trucks driving around town. We have tons of happy clients and would love to have you on board!

A Word About Us:

I’m thrilled you’re considering Blades of Glory Lawn Care to take care of your home. I’d like to tell you why we’re different from anyone else you might consider for your lawn maintenance needs.

We are a Christain company seeking to serve the people of our local community in a Godly loving way. Colossians 3:23 says “And whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for man.” This verse inspires us to do our very best work each time we are on your property. We wear this verse on our uniform shirts to remind us to rejoice in the opportunity we have to perform excellent work that would be pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ. It helps give us that extra push when working conditions are not always ideal…it’s hot…it’s raining…we’re tired…etc. God’s standard for how we carry ourselves is above any other worldly standard and although we are not perfect, we will do our very best to uphold ourselves to His standard on and off of your property.

When I say your satisfaction is guaranteed I mean it. Companies throw that phrase around all the time. The phrase becomes diluted and means nothing anymore. But when I say your satisfaction is guaranteed, I mean you will not pay us if you are not happy with service. Furthermore, if we can’t correct the issue at hand, I will literally pay a competitor of your choosing to fix the problem. When I say I only want 100% satisfied clients, I mean it.

We are going to show up to your property in professional uniforms. We’re going to use professional lawn equipment. We are going to weed eat around every fence, shrub, light post, and anywhere else our mowers will not reach. Your property will be edged with a metal blade edger every service. We’re going to clean up all grass clippings and blow all the concrete and hard surfaces clean. When we’re finished, the crew supervisor is going to go through a 9-point check off list to ensure that the quality was absolutely thorough.

The last item on that 9-point check off list reads…

“Is the client’s gate locked or secured?” Initial yes.

If we see that your dog’s water bowl is low, then we are going to fill it up.

If we see a trash can out by the road that needs to be brought back to the house, then we are going to do that too.

We’re going to be consistent in our service schedule to your property.

If we mow your yard on Tuesday, then your yard is going to be mowed on Tuesdays every week.

If there is ever a need to change your service schedule, then you are going to receive a text alert update, as well as an email update. Our communication is going to be excellent. When you call us, we’re going to answer our phone. We’re easy to get a hold of and easy to work with.

100 + neighbors already use our company, and they are all thrilled with our work. Maybe it’s because we do a great job cutting grass. Maybe it’s because we do a great job in proactively communicating with our clients.

Or maybe it’s because we’re just nice ordinary people conducting our business in a friendly way. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying our clients love us.

Blades of Glory Lawn Care is not going anywhere. We invest heavily in our local youth programs, sports programs, our church, and our community as a whole. Blades of Glory Lawn Care is committed to Dacula, and we’re committed to you.

All to Jesus!

– Thomas Farrell, Owner